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Concentration camp survivor and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl said, “There is nothing in the world…that would so effectively help one to survive even the worst conditions as the knowledge that there is a meaning in one's life.”
That’s a problem. Many of us stumble along without deciding what the purpose of life is, or believe there isn’t one.
Even indecision on this question is a kind of nihilism, and the damage it causes is far reaching. If you believe nothing matters, why take care of your body, your finances, your family, or your community? Why have any standards at all?
Studies show those who believe life has no meaning are more likely to feel anxious or depressed; they’re less interested in their daily activities.
Socrates and the Stoics found meaning by living in accordance with virtue — wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation.
You might think differently, but choose something or else sacrifice the meaning that makes good things shine, and brings purpose even to our suffering.
So decide — What is the meaning of your life?