Thanks for sharing this Andrew.

It's always a good idea to remain calm. Especially when you're not in a position to change anything about it.

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Good morning Andrew.

Thank you for your thoughtful insight into this fundamental daily reality of the human condition.

It’s humbling .

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Glad you enjoyed it!

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Thanks for your elucidating post !!

Idiocy in all walks of life, degrees of education, pecuniary prowess, ages, genders, epochs, etc., etc.

Seems, it is an intrinsic trait of humanity, strongly linked to the specie's DNA ...

At the end of the day, all of us are kinds of idiots some way or the other and being about 8 billions on a small planet with enormous destructive powers at the reach of a button, we're most probably destined to perish.

Or maybe not ??

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Humans don't have a great track record for predicting the future; recency bias and confirmation bias are always ready to rear their ugly heads. So I won't comment there.

But I think a smarter education system and culture could help us overcome our many cognitive biases by bringing them front and center. Whether or not any of that will come about is another matter.

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Hopefully one day a smarter education system will be created to make people smarter, just now it's only a smart system for the elite's goals ...

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