The Yurok and the Kwakiutl are not separated by the Klamath River. They live 700 miles apart. The Yurok are in Northern California and the Kwakiutl live in northern Vancouver Island and the central BC coast. They were never neighbors.

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My understanding is that anthropologists speak about the Yorok and Kwakiutl cultural groups, which share most of each others traits. These groups are divided by the river.

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Ok. I get it. You are using the Yurok and Kwakiutl as specific examples of the rather stark cultural division between the Indian tribes of California and those of the Pacific Northwest.

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Spain from the article: "But after the Reconquista ended in 1492, the Christians immediately expelled them, causing themselves significant economic hardship but winning “moral points.”"

Spain from Wikipedia: "The start of the [Spanish] Golden Age can be placed in 1492, with the end of the Reconquista, the voyages of Christopher Columbus to the New World, and the publication of Antonio de Nebrija's Grammar of the Castilian Language."

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