I need to stop being frustrated by friends who can't stop and say "maybe". Absolutely exhausted from everyone screaming that the sky is falling for 8 straight years.
Very much appreciate this because the fear is like a mind virus that blinds us to reality. What I also find is very stoic though I haven't found a great quote yet is to not only face, but intimatly study the fear you feel. Not to justify it but to make sure it's legitimate. That's a step I did with climate change and once I studied, I started to realize that what we've been told to fear, put in context, is not at all the same as just what we've been told to fear itself.
I wrote a deeper analysis on rates of temp change earlier which can, when you've faced the fear, help to understand what we are seeing better.
I need to stop being frustrated by friends who can't stop and say "maybe". Absolutely exhausted from everyone screaming that the sky is falling for 8 straight years.
Yeah. If we expect others to be skeptical about their expectations for the future, it's going to be a very frustrating life.
Looking forward to reading this.
Just refer to Seneca: “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” Have her repeat it throughout the day till she overcomes her anxiety.
Very much appreciate this because the fear is like a mind virus that blinds us to reality. What I also find is very stoic though I haven't found a great quote yet is to not only face, but intimatly study the fear you feel. Not to justify it but to make sure it's legitimate. That's a step I did with climate change and once I studied, I started to realize that what we've been told to fear, put in context, is not at all the same as just what we've been told to fear itself.
I wrote a deeper analysis on rates of temp change earlier which can, when you've faced the fear, help to understand what we are seeing better.
Very well reasoned and stated Andrew! Thanks!